/* ![[previous]](../icons/n_left.png)
#include <fiddle.h>
typedef union
ffi_arg fffi_arg; /* rvalue smaller than unsigned long */
ffi_sarg fffi_sarg; /* rvalue smaller than signed long */
unsigned char uchar; /* ffi_type_uchar */
signed char schar; /* ffi_type_schar */
unsigned short ushort; /* ffi_type_sshort */
signed short sshort; /* ffi_type_ushort */
unsigned int uint; /* ffi_type_uint */
signed int sint; /* ffi_type_sint */
unsigned long ulong; /* ffi_type_ulong */
signed long slong; /* ffi_type_slong */
float ffloat; /* ffi_type_float */
double ddouble; /* ffi_type_double */
unsigned LONG_LONG ulong_long; /* ffi_type_ulong_long */
signed LONG_LONG slong_long; /* ffi_type_ulong_long */
void * pointer; /* ffi_type_pointer */
} fiddle_generic;
ffi_type * int_to_ffi_type(int type);
void value_to_generic(int type, VALUE src, fiddle_generic * dst);
VALUE generic_to_value(VALUE rettype, fiddle_generic retval);
#define VALUE2GENERIC(_type, _src, _dst) value_to_generic((_type), (_src), (_dst))
#define INT2FFI_TYPE(_type) int_to_ffi_type(_type)
#define GENERIC2VALUE(_type, _retval) generic_to_value((_type), (_retval))
# define PTR2NUM(x) (LONG2NUM((long)(x)))
# define NUM2PTR(x) ((void*)(NUM2ULONG(x)))
/* # error --->> Ruby/DL2 requires sizeof(void*) == sizeof(long) to be compiled. <<--- */
# define PTR2NUM(x) (LL2NUM((LONG_LONG)(x)))
# define NUM2PTR(x) ((void*)(NUM2ULL(x)))